Welcome to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Veterans Services (EOVS)
MA Chapter 115 Benefits Estimator
The Chapter 115 program financially supports eligible Massachusetts veterans and their families.
This support includes help paying for:
- Food
- Shelter
- Clothing
- Fuel
- Medical Care
Eligibility for Chapter 115 is verified by your Veteran Services Office during your application and considers:
- Veteran Status
- Massachusetts Residency
- Personal Assets
- Income Sources
- Expenses
The Massachusetts Veteran Chapter 115 Benefits Estimator is intended for veterans who meet the Massachusetts eligibility requirements for a veteran in M.G.L. Chapter 115 Section 1, and are a Massachusetts resident. This tool helps applicants to determine if they may qualify for financial assistance benefits earned through their service and it provides links to relevant resources. The estimator tool relies on the input of complete and accurate information to make its estimate. Assets may be considered permissible up to the limits outlined in the Secretary's Budget Amounts directive when applying. Other discretionary eligibility criteria exist that may render an individual ineligible for the Massachusetts Chapter 115 benefits even if this tool or other criteria include that the individual would be eligible.